Registered Charity No: 1186214
Houghton Hey Ancient Woodland, Hapton
Wild Cherry flowers April and May. A rich source of nectar
Winter sunlight through the silver birch trees at Elker Woods, Billington
A hoverfly feeding
The Trust sites support a diverse array of butterflies and moths
By managing our woodland the tree canopy allows varying amounts of sunlight onto the woodland floor, encouraging diverse flora species
Bright new leaves in the Spring
A dense carpet of bluebells covers the woodland floor of the ancient and new planted areas at Haughton Hey Plantation
Carpets of buttercups and a diverse range of flowering gasses encourage numerous insects
A native bulb which is now rare in the wild. They were introduced to the Peel Bank Reserve and have colonised it extensively
Also known as wild garlic. A common bulb in ancient woodland. Flowers April to June and smells strongly of onion